Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Bright Lights, Dean City – Venture Bro

We return to the tag from last week’s episode, which plays out as before. Idealized Doc steps out of the vortex again, only this time the scene is completed. He drags our Doc with him. Doc tried to kill his doppelganger with a rock and replace him, but failed. Also, Other Doc has a hit play on Broadway.

–HA! One again, Jackson and Doc take a great build-up and completely implode it, much as they did with the ORB. I’m actually happier with the joke than I would have been with a multi-dimensional saga. By the way, how the hell did Dean get home? It must have been something fast if he’s still covered in soot. Probably Sgt. Hatred picked him up, or maybe Professor Impossible flew him home. He may be evil now, but he’s still a good host.

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