Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Bright Lights, Dean City – Venture Bro

And now, “Bright Lights, Dean City”!

“And the weight of failure is simply too heavy for the Sovereign’s thin white shoulders to bear.” – Phantom Limb

The episode opens with Phantom Limb detailing gruesome deaths for his enemies. Jonas Venture, Jr. suffocating in space, Girl Hitler electrocuted, 21 framed for Dr. Girlfriend’s death, and then a fatal battle with the Monarch. The Guild’s High Counsel are murdered one by one, and the Sovereign (David Bowie) hangs himself out of guilt. Professor Impossible thinks the plan is “a little kill-y”. They demand that Baron Underbheit prove his loyalty, which he does by snapping his advisor’s neck, even though they really just wanted him to sign a form. There’s a knock at the door, so the other two hide while Professor Impossible lets in Dean Venture, their summer intern.

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