Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Bright Lights, Dean City – Venture Bro

–Man, Phantom Limb thinks big! This is the first time we’ve see Jonas Jr. in a long while, and here he’s only a hypothetical example. It’s been even longer since we’ve seen Girl Hitler, or course, but that’s not a character I thought would make a return appearance. One thing to note is that Phantom Limb refers to the Pupa Twins as “a pair of well-placed sleeper agents”. I realize that none of the things in this opening have happened (yet), but in order for them to be sleeper agents, they would have to be set up prior to the execution of the, well, execution. So are Tim Tom and Kevin actually plants by the Phantom Limb? I wouldn’t be at all surprised, frankly. I still think they’re the ones who killed 24, so I’m ready to believe any skullduggery that anybody wants to attribute to them. We should remember, though, that Phantom Limb was completely insane not that long ago. I don’t know that we can completely trust his scenarios.

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