Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Bright Lights, Dean City – Venture Bro

–It seems like it’s sort of a dangerous move for the Revenge Society to openly oppose the Guild. The Guild is powerful, and Phantom Limb is already on their radar as a threat. Phantom Limb has a knack for enacting plans that will put him in opposition to as many people as possible. He’s one of the actual badasses on the show, and he can’t stop himself from biting off more than he can chew. If he focused on taking out Doc Venture or the Monarch, they’d be dead. But he wants to go after both of them and the Guild all at the same time. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – this is a show about failure. And a guy like Phantom Limb who doesn’t have failure hard-coded into his basic structure goes out of his way to make sure that he’s going to lose. Both Doc and the Monarch, who have other problems, share this self-sabotaging quality. The difference is, sometimes those two can pull it together for a moment of glory. When they win, it’s despite themselves. When Phantom Limb wins, he’s already working on a way to turn it into a loss.

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