Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but clones take time to grow, so he had to start cloning the boys when they were very young.  (By the show’s timeline, all the clone slugs were set up before they were two years old.)  When he explained the cloning to Orpheus back in Season Two he said, “You have a clumsy kid, you make him wear a helmet.  You have death-prone kids, you keep some clone slugs around.”  But he started making the clones long before their first death.  Doc was (justifiably) worried that he couldn’t keep his boys safe, and I think he’s not willing to live without them.  He couldn’t stand to lose them, so he made sure that would never be an issue.  But, as we see here, it sort of is.  He’s got a lot of deaths on his conscience.  And if you remember what the cloning room looked like, there were hundreds of them in there.  Doc wanted to make sure he was never going to be without Hank and Dean.  He really loves his sons, but nothing in his life has really prepared him for those feelings.

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