Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–So, Doc’s Id wants to watch Billy and Pete go at it.  Huh.  First off, it’s interesting that Id is so young – I would think he’d be a teenager, but we’ve never seen teen Doc.  Id looks to be maybe ten years old, and we’ve seen Doc in college, but never anything in between.  Teen Doc isn’t represented anywhere in this episode – I wonder if this is something he’s blocked out entirely.  Food for thought, at least.

–Doc’s roster of fantasy women:  Lindsay Wagner, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Molotov Cocktease, Myra Brandish, Sally Impossible, Dr. Quymn, and a busty nurse.  We know that Doc has had sex with Myra (and she might be the boys’ mother), and he got close with Sally (but was freaked out when her skin turned invisible) and Dr. Quymn (but was freaked out when she had an epileptic seizure, and also she might be his half sister).  For the first two seasons, he really believed that he’d had sex with Dr. Girlfriend, but he was not correct.  He turned into a giant caterpillar instead.  And Molotov just kicked his ass when he tried to lay a hand on her.  The nurse seems to be one of the women from the cover of Cup Cakes magazine, and I think she was a stripper at Nighting Ale’s last season.  There are a couple of interesting things here.  First, they’re all portrayed as phone sex workers.  So even in Doc’s rampaging Id, they are only women who will talk dirty to him (with his own voice).  He doesn’t even have actual sexual fantasies in his Id – just dirty talk for three dollars a minute.  That’s a guy who’s given up.  Also, note that Nikki Fichtel is not in the lineup, even though he fathered a child with her.  Either he had his memory wiped (as I suggested earlier), or he actually feels guilty about what he did to her.  If it’s the latter, I’m going to be proud of Doc.  He really didn’t know that she was underage, and he can’t even process her as part of his romantic past.

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