Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–OK, Doc’s Ego is what moderates the Id and Superego.  I’m not going to bust open any textbooks here, so let’s just think of him as the reasonable part of the personality.  He’s totally aware of all other parts of Doc’s mind, which the Id didn’t seem to be.  Interestingly, he has a problem with the zombies sneaking in, which analytically would indicate that Doc’s guilt is not necessarily repressed – sometimes the deaths of Hank and Dean get right into the forefront of his mind.  And then he’s building a puppet of young Rusty.  You know what that is?  Doc’s inner child.  And yes, it’s incomplete and artificial.  Because again, his childhood is dominated by the fiction rather than the actual.  His inner child is a construct created by The Rusty Venture Show.  I can’t get over how brilliant that is.  Also, I just now realized that when they say they’re trying to get to “Master Control”, that’s totally a Tron reference.  Second one this season!

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