Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

“Dr. O. said you’re probably insane now and that you’ll never be the same.” – Hank Venture

That night, Doc is sitting in the living room.  Hank comes out to talk to him, and Doc shares a horrible story about his sixteenth birthday.  When Hank says it sounds like a nightmare, Doc responds “Oh, no.  What I went through today was ‘like a nightmare’.  What happened when I was sixteen?  That… is my life.”

–This is interesting here.  Doc rarely shares his past with the boys, and here he’s telling Hank about a rotten thing that Jonas and the original Team Venture did.  Basically, Jonas threw him a birthday party, but it was all Jonas’ friends instead of Rusty’s.  “And I think some actual whores.”  Action Man shot Rusty’s groin with a shrink ray, and then Colonel Gentleman pantsed him, humiliating him in front of everybody.  Now, we haven’t really seen the original Team Venture since I started doing the Dossier, so let me just put it out there.  I like when they appear, especially in the present, because they’re old and hilarious.  However, the late Jonas Venture was an asshole.  Yes, he was brilliant, but he was an absolutely terrible human being.  The other guys picking on Rusty?  They’re just idiots.  I’m not sure what to make of Doc’s sudden clarity, but again, he seems calm.  There’s no self-pity in his voice when he tells the story.  He’s just telling the story and trying to share with Hank.  Doc really seems different now, but it a good way.  There’s no telling if this will continue or not, but I really hope so.

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