Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–Doc is really funny here – his lack of reaction is good, but the half-assed suicide attempts are even better.  Like trying to hang himself with Orpheus’ tie while Orpheus is still wearing it.  And what exactly did he think eating shaving cream was going to accomplish?  We’re off to a good start!

“I’m gonna throw up in Venture’s brain.  Gonna puke all over his crappy childhood memories.” – The Monarch

Doc is now hooked up to a heart monitor in his bedroom.  Sgt. Hatred applied a cold compress, much to Orpheus’ chagrin.  Shore Leave has a bucket, Hank has a camera, and Dean has a raincoat, all because of the assumed “geyser of pea soup vomit”.  Orpheus begins the incantation to release Doc, and then we see that there’s a control room in his head, and the Monarch is inside, ordering Doc to kill himself.  Then we cut to the cocoon, where the Monarch is on his bed, hooked up to a complicated helmet, with Dr. Mrs. the Monarch and 21 monitoring his vitals.  In Doc’s head, the Monarch vomits and passes out.  Dr. Mrs. the Monarch hits Monarch with the defibrillator.

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