Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–I like the bit about the paddles – “Is that what clear means?  I thought I was supposed to, like, press the CLEAR button.”  21 and Dr. Girlfriend are clearly bonding here.  Also, the giraffe that’s on the bed with Doc is Dean’s favorite stuffed animal.  That’s so cute!

“What do I do?  Should I boil some holy water?  Rip up some sheets?” – Hank Venture

Orpheus is unable to release Doc from his possession, so he realizes that he needs to project his astral self into Doc’s head.  He can only get in if he’s perceived as friendly, so he holds the boys, “that which he loves most”.  Nothing happens.  So then he replaces Hank with a box of Doc’s stuff – his old headshot and awards, a signed picture of Loni Anderson, money, newspaper clippings, a shoebox of love letters, and a Rush tape.  Brock thinks the Rush cassette is the problem, since it’s a “Best of”.  So they lose the tape and also have Dean stand off to the side.  This time, the rite works, and Orpheus leaves his body.

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