Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers Dossier – Assisted Suicide – Venture Bro

–I love that their first idea to find what Doc loves most is to put Hank off to the side.  Their dynamic is really interesting and complicated, and it’s clear that nobody knows what to make of it.  I like the effect where Orpheus’ body freezes and turns white when his spirit leaves, too.  And now, it’s going to get all crazy.

“We’re not Bernie Taupin and Elton John – we don’t write songs!” – Dr. Mrs. the Monarch

Orpheus makes his way through Doc’s mind, which appears as a long hallway.  He encounters versions of Pete White and Billy Quizboy, who play the roles of Thanatos (death) and Eros (sex), respectively.  They explain that there’s been another intruder, and they have maybe an hour before “The Rusty” is lost.  In the cocoon, 21 and Dr. Mrs. worry if they can bring the Monarch back.  And then, the Pupa Twins knock on the door for the mandatory inspection.  Since the “Mind Assassin” technique isn’t Guild-approved, they don’t want anybody to find out, so Dr. Mrs. orders 21 to take his clothes off.

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