Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–Damn. Like I said, this is messed up. Beyond the sheer awfulness of Doc having statutory rape in his past, this brings up a lot of questions. Before we get there, I will say in Doc’s defense that I believe him – I don’t think he knew Nikki was fifteen, and I suspect he really wanted to do the right thing. And remember, Doc is sexually inexperienced. That doesn’t excuse anything, but it’s easy to believe that if Nikki came onto him and claimed to be 20, it wouldn’t even occur to him to question it.

–Now, we’re headed into some weird territory here. This is going to be More Than You Ever Wanted to Know about Dr. Venture’s Penis. Doc has said a couple of times that he lost his virginity at 24, and in “Dr. Quymn, Medicine Woman” he also said that he hadn’t had sex in 19 years. Since his age was given as 43 early in the series, the natural conclusion was that he’s had sex exactly once. It gets a little fuzzy, because the Venture characters do age. Not in anything close to real time, but everybody’s at least a couple of years older than they were in Season One. And remember, a full eight months elapsed during the Season Four premiere.

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