Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–In the aforementioned “Dr. Quymn”, the doctor herself makes a reference to the boys being 19, but our Hank and Dean aren’t that old. The originals, however, would be. Let’s say for the sake of argument that they’d be 20 years old by now. Also, we don’t know definitely who their mother is, but Doc’s former bodyguard Myra Brandish claimed to be the mother, Doc admitted that he’d had sex with her, and in “The Invisible Hand of Fate”, she’s being escorted away from the Compound while Hank and Dean are newborns. So for now, we’ll assume that Myra is the mother and the boys were originally conceived the old-fashioned way. I think we can still assume that was Doc’s first time. And in the “Hand of Fate” scene, he appears to be younger than in the scene with Nikki – when the boys are infants, he’s got a stylin’ ponytail, but in Nikki’s scene the ponytail’s gone and he’s trying a combover.

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