Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–Now, Dermott’s age has been given as seventeen a couple of times. That’s actually the age Hank gives in this episode. Dermott is clearly older than the (current) Ventures, but probably younger than the originals would have been. However, Doc’s last time was 19 years ago (and that’s before figuring in the eight-month gap from Season Four), and that clashes with Dermott’s stated age. Now, it’s possible that Dermott’s mother and grandmother lied to him about his age. (By the way, the sister/mother angle was used in Chinatown and also in Jack Nicholson’s real life.) This family was kind of off the grid – he might have started school late with some faked documents. Dermott’s a pretty big kid – I’d accept that he’s 19 or so without much disbelief.

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