Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–This (theoretically) makes Hank and Dean the result of Doc’s first sexual experience, and Dermott the result of his last. The numbers don’t quite work out for Dermott, but that seems a minor concern. When Doc said how long it had been, he might have deliberately glossed over the time with Nikki, because of the ickiness. There could even be a memory wipe in there somewhere, since that’s the kind of thing that happens on this show. Basically, the numbers don’t work perfectly, but they’re close enough to pass, and any inconsistency has at least some degree of explanation. And I am sorry that I spent so much time detailing Dr. Venture’s erotic history. And let’s not even get into the fact that Hank and Dean are Dermott’s older half-brothers and his younger half-brothers, thanks to the cloning. And by the way, I really don’t think all of this background is necessary to enjoy the show – they do an excellent job of making each episode enjoyable on its own terms. Everything you need for story purposes is right here – I’m doing the Dossiers because I’m impressed at the depth of the world-building here, not because they’re necessary to understand what you’re seeing.

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