Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

Seriously, if you don’t want to read a lengthy dissertation on Thaddeus Venture’s erotic experiences, well, I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe scroll down and read the Glee Roundtable. (Heck, you should read that anyway. And I’m not saying this because I contributed this week – our regular Glee writers do a fantastic job!)

Read on… if you dare!“Technically, he wears that weird padded giant baby suit for a rape prevention class.” – Hank Venture

Doc and Dean are leaving for New York because Dean has an internship. Doc tells Hank that he needs to get a job before they come back – he has four days before Doc and Sgt. Hatred return. When they come back, Hank has a general store and diner inside the Venture Compound. Called HankCo, the store mostly sells things that he took from Doc, and the diner serves items from the Venture kitchen. Dermott works as a waiter in the diner. Doc is irritated that he has to buy back his remote controls and shoes.

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