Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–On the less disturbing front, we also learn in this scene that Shore Leave and the Alchemist hooked up, and then Al had his memory wiped. Hee.

“It’s kind of like naked skydiving into a warm mountain of whipped cream.” – Hank Venture

In his room, Hank watches a video message on his wrist communicator. It’s from himself, before the memory wipe. That Hank explains to his post-wipe self that he had sex and that the memory wipe was for the best, because they learned some really disturbing things. Modern Hank has no choice but to take Yesterday Hank’s word for it, and is quite pleased with himself. Dean enters, returning from his internship, and his face and clothes are covered in soot. He says “I think I may have watched my career in super-science go up in smoke, but I may have managed to pull my dreams from the ashes.” And then, a vortex opens up in their room and out steps an idealized version of their father. He’s wearing Jonas’ clothes, he has a full head of hair, and he poses dramatically. And that’s where the episode ends.

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