Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

–The mystery of Dermott’s father has been running since his first appearance in Season Three. Except that it was immediately implied that Brock was his father, and then later directly stated (by Dermott) that Brock was his father. For Venture Bros. fans, though, that isn’t good enough. We’ve learned that Occam’s Razor does not apply. And as you’ll see, we were right to be suspicious. And because we’re all friends here, I’ll remind everybody that I nominated Billy Quizboy as the father, both on my old blog back in Season Three, and here, in the dossier for “Perchance to Dean”. Also, we learn here that Al is living with Orpheus now. Damn, I could watch an entire spinoff about those two sharing an apartment.

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