Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Everybody Comes to Hank’s – Venture Bro

“I’ve never been that drunk, and I’ve never been that desperate.” – Brock Samson

Hank and Al go looking for info about Dermott. They hit a strip club, where Hank is promptly thrown out. They check in with a bum, and even interview Henchman 21 – nobody can identify Dermott’s mother. Finally, they go to SPHINX to ask Brock, but he doesn’t recognize the picture. Al thinks that he used to have a relationship with Shore Leave – both Shore Leave and Brock deny that either relationship ever happened.

–This is pretty straightforward, though some of it pays off later. Seeing 21 and the other Henchmen, though, made me realize that this is now three episodes in a row without the Monarch. That’s only happened once before, back in Season Two. (Provided you look at the episodes in the correct running order – Cartoon Network used to screw up the order all the time.) There really wasn’t a part for him in this episode, but there certainly would have been in “Every Which Way But Zeus”. I wonder if they’re going to play his injuries from “The Diving Bell vs. The Butter-Glider” in a more realistic way, considering a submarine fell on him. He might be in a full-body cast next time we see him. This is totally just speculation on my part, you understand. It’s just very odd to have consecutive episodes without the Monarch, and almost unprecedented to go three in a row. And it’s not like there could be issues with the voice actor, since Jackson Publick plays him.

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