Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation PROM – Part 1, Venture Bro

“I’m Monarch crew.  If we get captured, our orders are ‘not to tattle on the Monarch’.  That is it.” – Henchman 21

In 21’s room, the Pupae Twins cross the last item off of the “Eye for an I” list – “Happenstance”.  The Monarch catches them in the act, and is insulted that he’s not on the list, so he adds his own name.  They tell Monarch that 21’s at the Venture Compound, and they weren’t supposed to tell him.  21 wakes up in SPHINX headquarters with Shore Leave looking after him.  21 is impressed that they have Monstroso’s body in the headquarters, and Shore Leave explains that they’re running a “Monstroso shell game”, and then tells 21 it’s time for a memory wipe.  But then the intruder alarm goes off.  There’s hardly anybody left at headquarters, because of Hunters’ mission, so Shore Leave invites 21 to join them.

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