Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation PROM – Part 1, Venture Bro

–You know, I feel like Hank’s crush on the mail lady was referenced before, but I can’t find it.  This is definitely the first time we’ve seen her, though.  Poor dopey Hank.  Tracy was the girl who gave Dean her number back in “The Better Man”, in season 4.0.  We don’t really know if he ever talked to her, or if he has and he just invited Triana to the prom instead.  Either way… “mange”.  Hee.

“Great, Al’s in there.  But how cute is that kilt?  He’s like a little Braveheart.” – Shore Leave

Hunter arrives inside the Hoverquarters, where Doe and Cardholder greet him.  There’s been a lot of damage in the hallway that they won’t explain.  They take him to meet with General Treister.  Treister dismisses Doe and Cardholder, and then explains that he wants Monstroso.  Hunter won’t give him up, so Treister decides they’ll wrestle for it.  Hunter wants full clemency for his agents and he wants Treister to stop sending undercover agents into SPHINX.  After Hunter wins the match, he also tells Treister that there are Guild moles working inside OSI.  Treister gets angry and collapses.  Outside the Venture Compound, Monstroso’s henchman and the Alchemist are at the gate.  Once they notice the Alchemist, they turn on him.  Shore Leave and SPHINX are watching, and ready their assault.

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