Venture Bros.

Venture Brothers – Operation PROM – Part 1, Venture Bro

Hunter Gathers, Mile High, and an assortment of SPHINX agents are in a giant, sphinx-shaped airship, transporting the body of Monstroso.  They’re headed up to the OSI HoverquartersHunter launches toward the ship in a sarcophagus-themed pod.  At the prom, Billy and White argue about White’s musical choices.  Both Doc and Jefferson Twilight spike the punch (Doc with crème de menthe, Jefferson with sambuca), and Billy reports a security breach.  It’s 21, burying 24’s skull while his ghost complains about it.  21 claims he’s going crazy and needs 24 to stop haunting him.  Sgt. Hatred has 21 in his sights until a shot takes out his scope – it’s Shore Leave, also working security and trying to show off.  They both take turns shooting at 21, until Hatred knocks him down with a shot to the chest.

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