The Best Shows on TV

View-Do List – Schedule, Duh! (March 7-13)

Here’s what you’ll be watching this week!



8-9 HOUSE – Oh man, this is the episode with a musical number.  I have been looking forward to this for weeks.  And it’s apparently a big moment for the House and Cuddy relationship.  So how do they fit a musical number into House?  I think it would be awesome if they just played it straight – like House just started singing and nobody knew why he was acting so weird.

9-10 THE CHICAGO CODE – Wysock investigate the death of a teenager in Chinatown.  This episode is called “O’Leary’s Cow”, and I’m a little worried they’re going to run out of Chicago events for episode titles.  Stay tuned for “That One Guy who Caught the Ball” and “They Shot Dark Knight Here, You Know”.

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