We trust you’ve all enjoyed a good solid week of Awesome. And while June may be the cruelest
month for television, there’s still plenty of great stuff out there. Sure, I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here may not technically be good, but you can see Stephen “Flea” Baldwin swarmed by insects, and there’s never a time when that’s not hilarious. Burn Notice is back, which should fulfill your needs for both televised ass-kicking and Bruce Campbell appearances. And Conan is back, and he’s brought Andy Richter with him. If you’re not entertained, then you’re just not trying very hard. Quitters don’t win, and winners don’t quit. Word.

So what stood out as the Most Awesome Things We Saw This Week? I’m glad you asked!
We here at spunkybean are staunchly pro-Will Ferrell. Heck, some of us have been known to recover from a break-up with an all-day Ferrell Marathon. And yes, that includes Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. We’re not proud. And Will’s been all over the place to promote Land of the Lost this week.