The Most Awesome Thing

Smell the Embarrassment!

I shouldn’t even have to explain why this is Awesome, but Adam Reed (co-creator of Frisky Dingo) has an animated series debuting on FX. Somehow, I hadn’t even heard a rumor of this project until now, and now it’s set to premiere as early as next month, possibly paired with the glorious It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Archer stars Jon Benjamin (Home Movies, Venture Bros., Freak Show) as a super-spy with the unfortunate code name of “Duchess”. His immediate supervisor is his mother, voiced by Arrested Development’s Jessica Walters. The cast also includes Chris Parnell, better known as 30 Rock’s Dr. Spaceman, and Judy Greer, another AD alum. So basically this show includes everything I love. Check out the preview!
“And maybe you just got your face kicked off!”
Also, Stephen Colbert was particularly Awesome this week. He took on one Orly Taitz, a key figure in the “birther” movement. You know, those folks who claim that President Obama wasn’t born in America and is not, therefore, actually the President. By this time, most of Stephen’s guests know that his persona is an act, but Orly doesn’t seem to get it. Please enjoy as Stephen sits back and allows her to compare the Obama Administration to Nazi Germany, as well as equating Obama himself to Stalin. I love the way Stephen handles this, where he lets her go off and just occasionally prods her and watches the fun.
Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c


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