Since this is the best place to mention it, we’d like to say that the best joke in Monsters Vs. Aliens was that the President’s secret service codename is “Papa Bear”. See, the President is voiced by Stephen
Colbert, and on his own show, that’s his “affectionate” nickname for Bill O’Reilly. That cracked us right up. Also, a 500-foot killer robot battled an immense caterpillar using the Golden Gate Bridge as a weapon. That’s just about as close to the dictionary definition of “Awesome” as you can get.

But you didn’t have to go to the movie theater to see something Awesome this week. In fact, since movie theaters are often full of small children who call out the name of every merchandised character who appears onscreen, and also sometimes actually run around the theater at top speed, we’d actually recommend staying home for your Awesome. So what did we find Awesome this week? Read on!