The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: Baby Touch and Go

I’m trying to broaden my horizons this week, folks.  The thing that made me laugh out loud this week more than anything else was an episode of  “Idolatry”,  which is a weekly series shown on Entertainment Weekly’s website.  American Idol beat-writer Michael Slezak is about as obsessed as spunkybean’s Don is with the show, plus he works for a huge magazine.  The show is basically about seven minutes of he and another staff writer or two discussing the last week of Idol and the contestants, interspersed with clips of the show.  There are running jokes about new judge Kara, “package artist” Megan and lots of other funny stuff, not to mention actual useful insight if you are an Idol fan.  It’s Must See Web, as far as I’m concerned.  Please to enjoy the most recent episodes, and check back often for more.

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