The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: Goodbye, J.D.

Last week’s episode may have been the series finale, or it might turn out to have been just another season finale.  Either way, it’s the last episode for Zach Braff’s JD, the original focal point of the season.  We started the series with his first day at Sacred Heart, and last week we saw his final day.  It was cathartic for us fans – when NBC cancelled it last season, they ran the last few episodes out of order, ending on a dopey fantasy episode rather than the intended finale.  Frankly, we got screwed.  So to get a proper ending, to see JD actually go around and say his goodbyes, well, that was what we needed.  One last rant from Dr. Cox, one last Eagle from Turk, one last muffin for Dr. Kelso, one last high-five from The Todd, and one last confrontation with the Janitor.  It was funny, sappy, and very satisfying.  Heck, we finally learned the Janitor’s name.  And it really felt like an ending, without necessarily being an ending.  Sure, if we get another season of Scrubs, it will be a different show with a different focus, but for most of the characters, it was just another day at Sacred Heart.

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