The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: “I Know Kung-Fu”

Last season, Penny got stuck tending to a sick Sheldon, and he asked her to put Vaporub on his chest and sick him a song his mother used to sing, called “Soft Kitty”.  A year later, he asks her for the same song when he’s “homesick”.  The results are gold!

“Soft Kitty” Season 1

“Soft Kitty” Season 2

Well, the race for the season’s best finale is on, and Chuck has the early lead.  Sure, I thought it was going to be hard to top the previous week’s all-action extravaganza, especially since that episode featured Chevy Chase re-enacting a scene from Warriors.  But the second-season finale, with the long-awaited wedding of Ellie and Captain Awesome, was nothing short of fantastic.
There was excitement at the Buy More, as Morgan fell on his sword in pursuit of his dream and Big Mike was humbled, but unbowed.  Fulcrum created their own Intersect, and Bryce Larkin, of all people, made a heroic sacrifice.  Sarah and Casey kicked ass as only they can, Chuck’s dad finally came through, and Chevy Chase continued to impress as an actually creepy villain.  Who knew he had it in him?
And while the final scene (“Guys, I know kung fu…”) had me cheering, it was the (first) wedding ceremony for Ellie and Awesome that rocked my world.  Not only did you have Awesome’s creepily perfect parents running the show, but Jeff and Lester’s band, Jeffster, made their thrilling debut.  (Awesome’s Dad:  “Why are you letting Sam Kinison and an Indian lesbian wreck your wedding?”)  There is nothing that can prepare you for the sheer perfection that is Jeffster’s wedding performance of “Mr. Roboto”.

That’s pretty fantastic right?  Well, what if I told you that during this performance, there’s also a gunfight?

Right now, we’re waiting to hear Chuck‘s fate, but whether this was a season finale or a series finale, it was the Most Awesome Think I Saw This Week.
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