The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: Season Finales

Almost all of our favorite shows wrapped up for the season over the last couple of weeks.  And, it should go without saying, most of those finales were pretty awesome.  Really, it’s hard to pick the most awesome.  So we’re going to break from our usual format and share what we loved about the recent season finales.

Lost – I’m not sure I can say much more on this subject that I’ve said over the last couple of weeks.  Frankly, this was a fantastic end to the season.  The first scene opened up a whole new level to the Island’s mythology, with our first actual glimpse of the much-discussed Jacob and his unnamed nemesis who may or may not also be Smokey.  (And yes, this was yet another appearance by a Deadwood cast member on Lost.  They don’t need to work nearly so hard to make me happy, but I’m glad they do.)  We also got the much-anticipated return of Rose, Bernard, and Vincent, which causes squeals of glee throughout the community.

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