The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Thing I Saw Last Week: Season Finales

House – For the season finale, House delivered an absolutely classic episode.  It was going to be hard to top Kuttner’s suicide only a few weeks ago, but with the finale, Dr. House himself actually had to question the nature of his reality.  House spent the episode actually believing that he’d kicked his Vicodin addiction and slept with Cuddy, and it was only at the end that he realized that was all in his head.  He was actually high as a kite and drove Cuddy away with some truly hurtful remarks.  It was a clever puzzle, with clues that were only obvious in retrospect, but seeing House’s realization that he could no longer trust his own mind was shattering.  It’s not often you see a season end with the lead character checking himself into a home for the mentally ill, but that’s what House gave us.  Probably the darkest finale of the season, but totally worth it. (ej)

The Office – See, Myndi is probably going to talk about how awesome the final scene was, and how John Krasinski absolutely nailed his performance.  And she’ll probably mention the glorious awkwardness of Holly and Michael’s skit at the company picnic.  But I feel that this episode can be entered into the Hall of Awesome for another reason entirely.  This week, we met Dwight’s new best friend, Rolf.  And yes, Rolf was exactly as hilarious as you’d expect from a friend of Dwight.  But even better, Rolf was played by James Urbaniak, who you may know as Dr. Thaddeus “Rusty” Venture.  That’s right, Doc Venture and Dwight Schrute, together at last!  That, seriously, is everything I could ask for from television. (ej)

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