You know, we’ve taken a couple of weeks off in our cataloguing of Awesomeness. Please don’t think
that this reflects some sort of sea change at spunkybean, perhaps a new regime that assumes a “take it or leave it” approach to Awesome. No, you can rest assured that we care about finding and sharing things that are Awesome above almost all else. We don’t like the idea of missing out on something Awesome, so we’re back on the beat.

So settle in, and we’ll let you know what was Awesome. And if we’re missing something, well heck, let us know! We value your recommendations – if we work together, we can find twice as much Awesomeness!
I don’t usually watch the ESPY awards. I’ve seen them a time or two since their inception back in 2000, but for the most part, they’re kinda lame. However, this past week, while waiting for my husband to come sit down and watch Big Brother, I flipped on to ESPN to kill time. Mixed in with the largely pointless awards were some funny sketches featuring host Samuel L. Jackson, Justin Timberlake and underrated funnyman Peyton Manning.