The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Things We Saw Last Week (Sept 27-Oct 5)


While wandering through the ol’ Busta (That would be Blockbuster Video) I came across The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. If you’re not familiar with the story, Diving Bell is based on the actual experiences of Jean-Dominique Bauby, a French author and director of ELLE magazine who suffered a massive stroke at age 43 leaving him in “locked-in syndrome.” Bauby could not move or speak. By blinking his left eye, the only part of his body he could control, he manged to dictate and write a best-selling novel about his experiences after the stroke. The film is amazing. The director, Julian Schnabel, is a genius. For the majority of the film, the camera is Jean-Dominique Bauby, so the audience is experiencing the world, just as he did upon awakening. The approach to the film was so unique, I was sucked in immediately. It may be old news to some, but this was a DVD I rented on a whim, as I had forgotten almost everything about the plot prior to last Saturday. It’s an emotional ride and a very unique experience, but it will restore your faith in film and human ability and dedication. Pick it up. I dare you!

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