The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Things We Saw Last Week!: The Bubble (Mar 24)

The kicker was having Liz show him how the world is for “regular people” and how much he wants back in the bubble.  I guess if he hadn’t been as bad at sex as she is (her words, not mine), maybe she’d have joined him in there as he offered, but if he’s lousy at that, too, then there really is no point, is there?

And extra points for the C plot of having attention-starved Jenna seek publicity by cutting her hair live on The Today Show.  When Meredith Viera asks if the hair will be given to Locks of Love, Jenna has to admit her hair is too “overprocessed for sick people to wear”, so it’ll be going to Merkins of Hope instead.   If you don’t know what that means, the link will be worth the laugh.

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