The Most Awesome Thing

The Most Awesome Things We Saw Last Week!: The Bubble (Mar 24)

Danny McBride’s blacker-than-black comedy about a down and out former Major Leaguer didn’t hit a single wrong note in its six-episode season.  It bridged the awkwardness of The Office and the failed dreams of McBride’s own The Foot Fist Way, resulting in something uniquely hilarious and deeply upsetting.

While the only TV personality more self-destructive than Kenny Powers may be Dennis Rodman on He really is F'ing in.Celebrity Apprentice, he set a new standard this week.  With an offer to come back to the Major League, Kenny burns all of his bridges to pursue his dream.  But Kenny is destined to fail, and when that offer turns out to be less firm than he might have liked, Kenny’s reaction is unexpected and yet completely consistent with his character.

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