View-Do Lists

View-Do List: Honey, could you pass the schedule?

With this week, we begin the “American Idol” era, otherwise known as the period of five months in which I suddenly don’t understand pop-culture references and Gordon Ramsay does not appear on FOX at all. And with the strike hobbling all the other shows, our whole society will be “Idol”-centric. I’ll see you brave souls on the other side!

Here’s what you’ll be watching this week:


8-9 AMERICAN GLADIATORS – Don’t even act like you’re too good to watch large people hit each other with sticks. Just accept it. Also, I sort of have a thing for one of the female Gladiators. I’m not naming names, as it will only result in mockery.

8-9:30 DANCE WAR – OK, so the first episode wasn’t technically ‘entertaining’, but now that we’re through all that audition nonsense, it might be fun. That’s right, the best I can come up with is “It might get better”.

9-10 TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES – I’m listing it just in case Sunday night’s premiere turned out to be good. If it turns out to suck, please disregard.


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