
Dancing With the Stars–Season 12, Week 9 Performances

Instant Dance: A salsa to “Get Busy” (26/30)–Well, there was a metric ton of shaking and twisting, and a lot of salsa steps throughout, but it lacked some serious spark. Len and Bruno noted the positive stuff, but Carrie Ann didn’t feel any connection to the music, like me!

TOTAL: 55/60

Hines Ward and Kym Johnson (28/30)–Their foxtrot to “This Will Be” by Natalie Cole was as adorably cheesy as Kym promised in the package, and it was extremely smooth and graceful. Oh, and she’s the hottest version of June Cleaver ever. The only awkward bit was when Hines fumbled with the prop ring box he had to put into and then pull back out of the little pocket in his vest. Bruno said it was “beaming with a blissful sense of happiness”, and said it reminded him of the movie Bandwagon with Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire. Carrie Ann disagreed–he was more Gene Kelly. Len’s the only one who had a critique, saying his feet were a little off, but he loved it anyway.

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