
Dancing With the Stars–Season 12, Week 9 Performances

Instant Dance: A salsa to “Cobrastyle” (25/30)– It was, as usual, a fun dance, but there were a few spots where Kirstie lost her place. Bruno points this out and Kirstie reacts with “Shit!” which is funny and sends Bruno sends it into a fit of giggles. Carrie Ann thought they were in sync the whole time. Len says it showed rhythm above all, and calls the dance “oily”, which is apparently a good thing.

TOTAL: 53/60

Romeo and Chelsie Hightower (27/30)–I’m impressed with Romeo’s attitude, actually. I feel like he’s grown quite a bit. As the music started (“Hold It Against Me” by Britney Spears), I was suddenly able to place Chelsie’s “Oops, I Did It Again”-style outfit, but the unnecessary butt bow was ghastly and pulled focus. Their tango was strong and powerful, and it was great that Romeo truly led Chelsie. He’s dialed in right now. Carrie Ann was impressed with his intensity and said it was one of his best ever. Len said he’s upped his game. Bruno said he danced like a real man.

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