
Dancing With the Stars–Season 12, Week 9 Performances

Instant Dance: The cha cha to “Stuck in the Middle” (21/30)–Was it me, or was this almost all the same choreography as they did to “Born This Way”, and yet, it still sort of worked? The charming bit at the top, where Karina pretends to go all Mr. Miyagi on Ralph’s knee was pretty funny. Under the circumstances, this was a major accomplishment, I’d say. Len didn’t like it at all. Bruno said there wasn’t any hip action. Carrie Ann agreed with Bruno, but noted that Ralph was really selling every step this time.

TOTAL: 46/60

I have no idea who will go tomorrow, because this whole group has developed a decent fanbase, and Ralph’s poor showing was partly due to injury, which almost always gets people audience votes. Still, his scores make him automatically vulnerable, along with Romeo. I guess we’ll see tomorrow, when the first real suspense of the season hits. Good times! Plus, Adele is going to sing, which makes everything better. See you then!

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