Author: EJ Feddes

Fun With Pop Culture

EJ’s Observations

Ben Cossar, through his intermediaries, approached me to write for this thing we call Spunkybean. There were certain tests I had to pass, of course. Actually, I think they could better be described as ‘rites’. I don’t want to talk about the specifics, but let’s just say, well, I’ve been […]


Lost Revisited (Week 2)

Am I correct in thinking that the entire Lost viewing audiences makes the same noise at the end of every episode?  It’s sort of a horrified impatience with the sheer length of a week.  To me, it sounds like “Buh!”  Plus, I flutter my arms slightly.  Your mileage may vary. […]


Lost Revisited

You guys?  That was really good.  And not just in the way where we’re all excited about Lost being back.  That was flat-out really good. Before we start on the premiere, a friend of mine put forth the theory that it’s actually a woman in the coffin in last season’s […]

Fun With Pop Culture


The new Entertainment Weekly has a feature on the “100 Greatest TV Icons”. Strangely, both the cover and article title claim it’s the “50 Greatest TV Icons”, though my copy very clearly includes numbers 51-100. This is where the problems with the list begin. Obviously, any list like this is […]