Mixed Beans

Myndi’s Best of 2008 (Dec 31)

In the end, 2008 was an historic and complicated year. What follows is a short list of my absolute favorites of the past 12 months, in no particular order. (The use of that phrase comes from watching way too much Dancing with the Stars).

Mad Men–Due to a truckload of Emmy nominations and a huge publicity campaign in both TV Guide and EW leading up to Season 2 in July, critical darling Mad Men enjoyed record viewership and even further accolades this summer. The little gem that once seemed to be hiding amongst 500 channels was suddenly the hottest thing around, which is fine with those of us who have been hooked since Season 1. Personally, I was a bit late to the party in Season 1, but right there waiting for the show’s jump ahead 18 months into 1962. We got the same trademark slow and deliberate pace, leaving us always wanting to know more. What about up and comer Peggy and her secret pregnancy (where was the baby? Would Pete ever find out he was the father?); Don Draper’s mysterious past as Dick Whitman (how did he pull it off? Did anyone else know his secret?); and Betty’s discovery of her husband’s infidelities and the subsequent fallout. Our patience throughout the 13 episodes was richly rewarded with a glorious Pete and Peggy scene that dropped the baby bombshell, and left Pete–who began the scene trying to woo Peggy–cradling a shotgun and staring out the window. Don’s past and the way it has dovetailed into the show’s present was explored at length, closing one chapter and beginning another. Plus, there was the bonus of Don & Roger Sterling’s adorable little bromance. The cherry on top is creator Matthew Weiner’s painstaking attention to period details, not to mention his spot-on depiction of the 60’s ad world. It’s as close to flawless as a TV drama gets.

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