Mixed Beans

Myndi’s Best of 2008 (Dec 31)

Lost-OK, I can’t always tell you what’s actually going on in an episode of Lost; I leave that to EJ. What I can tell you is the reveal of the Oceanic Six, plus the fact the they actually moved the freaking island put this season back on track, big time. It would seem that Team Darlton (Exec. Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) know exactly what they’re doing and how they’re getting there. Having a definite end date is the best thing that ever happened to this show. Best episode of the season? “The Constant”, where Desmond and Penny were reunited for good…or so it seemed. A close second was “Ji Yeon”, the episode that combined Sun’s flash forward and Jin’s flashback to heartbreaking effect. The finale was pretty damn good as well. In short, January 21st can’t come soon enough! How I Met Your Mother–Much as The Office feels like my strange, extended family, the gang from How I Met Your Mother feels like a modern day group of pals a la Cheers, just way hotter and with fewer beer guts. The show’s been moving along well, avoiding the pitfalls of Barney “falling in love” with Robin, a plot which was explored, than back-burnered for the time being. As it stands, Neil Patrick Harris remains the MVP. He succeeds in making Barney the most shallow yet completely lovable womanizer in TV history. The show has a good heart, too. We’re still waiting to find out the identity of The Mother, after Ted was left at the altar by Stella (a perfectly cast Sarah Chalke), a conceit which could have become tiresome but still hasn’t worn out its welcome. Although I’m guessing Ted’s poor kids would disagree with me, as they have to listen to Dad tell them stories that often involve his or his friends sexual exploits week after week.

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