“Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. I would punch your life in the face.” – Kim Pine Let’s get this out of the way right now – Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is awesome. More than that, it’s practically made of awesome. The original graphic […]
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Big Brother Nominations
Previously on Big Brother: Andrew was evicted unanimously, largely because he turned so damn weird every time he opened his mouth. Still, he managed to out the Hayden/Kristen relationship, which freaked people out. Also, Rachel won Head of Household, and if her insane shaking reaction didn’t convince you that she’s […]
Big Brother Eviction & HOH, Week 3
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TV’s Moments of Joy: I’m on a Horse!
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Big Brother Eviction & HOH, Week 3
Big Brother 12: Veto, Week 3
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