Amazing Race

Amazing Race Contestants Announced: Snap Judgements (Aug 21)

Amaaaaaaazing Race, how sweet the sound.  That saved …a TV-junkie …like meeeeee!  I once was lost (in a summer of nothingness), but nowwwwww am found.  Was bored …but now …I seeeeee …good TV.

Ah, yes.  The signs that summer is coming to an end.  Some point to a drop in humidity, some to the leaves changing colors, and others the shortened daylight hours.  We note the end of summer by the number of commercials we see for fall shows and the announcement of cast members for the ‘big ones.’ (1)  Yesterday (or maybe Monday), CBS announced the cast for its 13th season of the Emmy Award Winning series, The Amazing Race.  And what do we do at spunkybean?  We snap-judge, that’s what.  The most notable omission was the team of EJ & Don …two bloggers who have never met nor spoken.  One, a dimwitted ex-frat guy and father-of-three; the other a self-proclaimed shut-in and nerd. 

Note to CBS producers:  Our team would be highly entertaining and we will bombard you with links to our weekly write-ups and we will be on the 14th season of Amazing Race.  We will not meet, nor speak, and we will refuse to meet each other in person until Phil says “go” and we each emerge from our old-timey beach changing tents.  Yes.  We’ll meet for the first time ever at the starting line.  Television gold!

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