Amazing Race

Snap Judgements: Amazing Race 16 (Feb 12)

Don:  First a super hot former-Miss Teen USA contestant and model, and now lesbians? Is this show airing on the Playboy Channel? Oh …thoooooooose type lesbians. OK. And they are old, to boot. Two of my favorite shows, American Idol and Amazing Race, now feature prominent, short-haired lesbians. I don’t know what to make of that fact, but it is a fact. Just like Montpelier is the capitol of Vermont, that’s a fact.  I just got very uncomfortable with the jokes I was making. I’m sorry.

Dana & Adrian

Myn: These married high school sweethearts look so in love in their profile photo, don’t they?  They both seem to have ambitious business backgrounds and Dana has a story of overcoming abuse that could make for a touching story arc if they get far.  These two strike me as Uchenna & Joyce 2.0…you know, the lovely couple who beat Rob & Amber on their season.

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