Amazing Race

The Amazing Race – Bringing Up the Rear: Season 13, Episodes 10 and 11

Previously on The Amazing Race: Team Eeyore demonstrated at length why the rest of the world hates Americans and ended a non-elimination leg on the business end of a speed bump. Nick and Starr found themselves all the way in third place, which was unusual and confusing for them. Ken, unsurprisingly, turned out to be a freaking machine on a strength task, while Toni and Dallas continued to be incredibly normal and functional.
Starting the Race: Toni and Dallas get their directions. They have to take a taxi to a submarine. They must then search the submarine for a uniformed officer, who’s actually an actor who appeared in The Hunt for Red October. Wouldn’t that be awesome if it turned out to be Alec Baldwin? They draw a picture of a submarine to help their taxi driver understand what they’re looking for. Ken and Tina leave next, while Tina explains to us that Ken doesn’t put their relationship first on the Race. Didn’t he cheat on her? So there are probably other times when he’s not putting their relationship first, too. Tina also draws a submarine, but gets hung up on the issue of whether or not there should be a propeller. Hee. Like the taxi driver might think “Boy, this underwater vehicle looks like a submarine. Wait a minute, no propeller? Well, now I’ve got no idea what the hell they’re looking for.”

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