Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Live Eviction Week 3

And then, there was an earthquake!  It’s kind of weird to see it actually happen on TV.  Where’s Charleton Heston?  Oh, right.  He’s dead.  Anyway, Jerry wanders outside with the rest of the group and actually thought a truck or something hit the house. Memphis DRs that he’s an idiot.

Later that night (or, ya know, not) Jessie sits outside, right in front of the kitchen window.  He blows a kiss at Libra and waves bye-bye to her, as you would to my two year old.  Why someone who is actually nominated would take the risk of stirring the pot (besides Dick, of course) is beyond me.  Libra, April, Keesha and Renny all seem outraged at how “disrespectful” Jessie is being.  That word…I don’t think it means what they think it means.  On another occasion, Jessie walks past Jerry and calls him “Father Time” and makes some sort of weird, Three Stooges-type noise. 

Libra, April and Ollie are doing wind sprints in the backyard, basically in lock step, which is hilarious looking.  They buzz about the “father time” comment and think maybe they should get rid of Jessie while they can (oh, don’t tease me, you three!)

Back live, Chenbot is honing those hard-hitting interview skills in the living room.  She explains that the banner we saw had nothing to do with Big Brother.  So, was it a taco Bell ad, what?  I need to know!  When questioned about it, Michelle’s answer contains the direct quote:  ” We saw some things on it, and that’s what it is”.  Basically, Michelle is Horton the Elephant.  Memphis is asked how it felt to be called a womanizer and why he reacted so quickly.  He says he’s dedicated his life to treating women with respect and he’d rather get punched in the face than have someone attack his character.  Jerry, for his part, says he’s apologized to Memphis, who says it’s easy to forgive but hard to forget.  Oh, stop it.

In the HOH chat, Keesha continues to blame Angie for Steven’s departure, and says she plans to keep her word to Libra until the end of the game. Well, there’s the nail in the coffin of my Keesha Love.  She does admit to being more loyal to Renny, however, who she feels is a real friend. 

Just prior to the live vote, Chenbot refers to Jessie as the “bodybuilder from Iowa” and Angie as the “recent divorcee”.  Um, I thought she was in pharmaceutical sales?  What is this, The Scarlet Letter?  Angie gives a relatively coherent speech that boils down to not forgetting that she couldn’t possibly be as big, strong and awesome as Jessie, so they should keep her. Jessie says…something.  It’s like he was just picking words out of the air as they flew by him.  I didn’t understand a thing.  Shockingly, the word “disrepect” came up several times in about 45 seconds.

In the live vote, Julie’s scripted comments attempt to place suspense where there is none, as Angie is voted out 8-0.  But it is funny when she says Ollie is “close with April” and when she corrects Dan, who once again calls her Mrs. Chen.  Her spontaneous reply? “For the record, I am married, but Mrs. Chen is my mother.”  Julie, you’ve had two weeks to come up with something, and that was the best you could do?  Someone needs an upgrade to her hard drive!

Angie hugs everyone goodbye and once she’s gone, Michelle is crying while everyone else stands around like they’re at a funeral.  In her Chenterview, Angie continues to be the human equivalent of watching paint dry.  Jessie makes no sense in his goodbye message, but at least he doesn’t mention body building, so, progress!  Michelle now has a vendetta.  We also found out that Angie wore Brian’s knit cap as often as she did just to annoy the other hamsters.  Bye Angie; you were clearly way too normal for this show!

So guess what? Dan has been asked to be America’s Player for one week and $20,000, and he’s accepted!  So we’re guaranteed that much more shouting in the DR this week!

The HOH competition is going to be endurance, which seems a little early on to me.  I need a Big Brother database to get some of these stats, like in baseball.  Everyone is gathered on a fake ledge above a fake street and it starts to lurch around a bit. Last one to stay up there wins HOH.  Jerry says he’s always wanted to do this.  April looks nauseous.  Then they get sawdust dumped on them and a fake windstorm kicks up.  Is this really OK to do to someone who lived through Hurricane Katrina? Ollie wins some points with me when, over the credits, he says to Jessie ” Take off your shirt, Jessie!”  Want to know who wins and can’t wait?
CLICK HERE! See you next week!

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