Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Live Eviction Week 5 (Aug 15)

Libra is sure she’s toast.  April snots that Keesha is a liar and manipulative, which, hey takes one to know one, right?  She tells Ollie that Keesha has it out for her because “I’m prettier than her.”  BWAH!  Ollie appears to stifle a laugh, but I may be projecting. 

Memphis and Dan, a pair of guys I didn’t warm to right away but now think are pretty cool, are planning to allign with Keesha and Renny, while having a sub-alliance they may call “The Renegades”.  Can I vote no on the name?   Also, who’d have thought Renny  would be on anyone’s Final Four list back in week one?

Since there’s nothing more fun than beating a dead horse, April, Ollie and Jerry talk about getting Dan to vote with them to get Keesha out, planning to guilt him for turning on his alliance.  (Guys?  He didn’t  really.)  Ollie tells Libra that Keesha is “complacent” and send her to talk Dan into voting Keesha out.  Leaving April to do the dishes in her sweatshirt, shorts and 4 inch heels, Libra pulls Dan into the storage room to talk. Dan pretends to contemplate what to do, and simply tells Libra he needs to think.  He DRs that he has to decide what benefits him more; keeping a real ally in Keesha, or Libra, who causes chaos. 

As we get closer to the vote, we hear Jerry in the DR saying he’d vote Keesha out because of her relationship with Memphis.  April cites her annoying voice and laugh, and says she feels bad for America.  April, I have two words for you:  socks & blankets. 

Next, we have a segment defending Libra’s motherhood.  It opens with Dan and Libra having a quiet chat about her daughter’s favorite number and a charm bracelet she wears for all her kids.  We then shift to Houston and Libra’s lovely suburban digs.  Her mom bathes one of the twins in the kitchen sink while her hubby Scott looks on.  Apparently, she lives all of five minutes away.  Libra’s daughter, Fallon, says she misses and loves her mom, of course.  We cut back to the house, on a night where Libra cried in her bed and was comforted by fellow mom Renny.  After Scott praises Libra over a series of family pictures, we watch Scott and a houseful of people as they view the PoV comp where Libra took the Hawaii trip from Michelle.  Scott seems pleased, suggesting she grab the trip even before she did it, if we’re to believe this was his first time seeing this, that is.  Talk shifts to Michelle’s nasty comments, and Scott becomes more serious, saying no one should ever wish what Michelle says about the kids being taken away on anyone.  Libra’s mom calls Michelle bi-polar. 

In what may be the closest any interview of Big Brother houseguests can be called “Hard Hitting” (I guess someone got that reboot!  Does that mean Moonves is reading spunkybean?!), Chenbot asks Dan if his faith influences how he plays.  Dan says it does, and that’s he’s going to confession the minute he leaves the house.  Everyone laughs, but Jerry is shooting daggers.  Turning to The Colonel, Julie asks if Jerry still considers Dan “Judas”?  Jerry says that he’s disappointed that religion became a “prop”.  Really, Jerry?  What are all those Marine shirts and hats, then?  Memphis is asked for his opinion, since he reacted so strongly at the PoV meeting.  He calmly explains that Judas hung himself, and he just wants to make sure that Dan doesn’t go that route.  Asked who has surprised her most, Renny gives the cop out answer “all of them.”

In the HoH for her Chenterview, Michelle appears to be dressed for a remake of Pretty Woman.  She might be good in the Laura San Giacomo role.  Seriously, Michelle, nice sequined top and gigantic hoop earrings.  She  plasters on a fake smile that she thinks we might find endearing, as she says she feels bad for April, who is just upset that people “broke their word to her”, which of course she would never dream of doing.  She says she regrets her comments about Dan “burning”.  She admits to not thinking before she speaks, and says he’s working on it.  I don’t buy it.

And now, the vote.  Keesha says there are no hard feelings, and loved her time in the game.  Libra says the game changes each week, and she encourages them all to stand proud and think about themselves, not others.  She also reminds them that it’s just a game.  The show attempts to build suspense by having sure votes to evict Libra, Renny and Memphis, go first, then take a commercial.  However, once Jerry votes for Libra, it’s all academic.  Dan has decided not to call Julie anything, but has passed the “Mrs. Julie” torch to Ollie.  For her part, April looks so annoyed that her plan didn’t work, and we rewound the thing five times in order to enjoy her quiet freak out in the DR, complete with insane blinking and head bobbing, like when a fembot explodes.  When all is said and done the vote to evict Libra is 6-0.

Libra is not surprised at the outcome and hugs everyone but Michelle on her way out the door.  After she leaves, Keesha and Memphis exchange some relieved looks and a hug.  Michelle hugs Renny and mumbles something I assume we’ll hear on Sunday, possibly with captions. 

On the Chenterview couch, Libra is asked why her alliance was so volatile. She says it was led by women who are all about the same age and very opinionated.  Julie wants to know if she was really a mastermind, which you know Libra loves, but she demurs, saying she can’t take all the credit for the previous evictions.  The age old question of why, oh why would you ever leave your family comes up again and Libra says she had to leave them to do something for them and that the show was also a personal challenge that took her outside her normal situation.  There are so many ways I could think to both defend her position and argue with it that I’ll just let it be. 

In the goodbye messages, Ollie chastises Libra for going against April’s wishes (oh, please) while April scolds, “bad move”.  Did these two not get the memo that she’s on the jury and you should kiss her ass just a little bit?  Renny and Keesha clearly did, since they talk about their respective bonds with Libra and say they love and won’t forget her.  Libra has been poised and likeable throughout all of this, and I really think she could have some sort of hosting career. 

Finally, we are on to the HoH competition.  Just don’t let Jerry win.  Or Ollie. Or April.  Anyway, it’s a game called “Diary Room Confessions” and features the quotes of evicted houseguests that will not spoil the game, of course.  The added bonus is that if you buzz in and get a question right, you get to take someone out.  Aw, yeah.  First question is, who said “Oh God!  One of my naps finally paid off?”  Renny knows it was Jessie and she sends April all but stomping over to the benches.  She looks like Veruca Salt at this point.  Question two, who said “The Player got played”? Dan knows it was Brian and wastes no time taking Jerry out.  I believe I applauded.  The third quote starts, “Kinda makes you feel lonely…” and Ollie buzzes in with Steven, which is wrong (it was Angie) and he’s out.  This is perfect!  (to me, anyway…I can’t wait to see these three scramble!) 

Quote number four is “What doesn’t come out in the rinse, comes out in the wash”, which Memphis attributes incorrectly to Steven, and he’s out.  It was Jessie.  When the answer finally is Steven (his comment about Jessie being a tool in every sense) Dan gets it wrong and says it’s Angie, so he’s done, but says that’s a funny quote, which it is. 

The deciding quote, between Renny and Keesha, starts, “After the first sentence of Jerry’s speech, I knew…” and Renny calmly buzzes in Brian.  She is correct, and she’s the new HoH!  A subdued group hugs her while Michelle hands over the keys.  This should be interesting.

Going to break, we are asked as a nation to send the houseguests either an unlimited supply of giant lollipops, coconuts or Bologna.  My husband voted for giant lollipops, just to watch the girls eat them.  I’m so proud.  I’m thinking coconuts, since they could also use them to bowl.

Back to do our usual eavesdropping, we see Renny alone and silent in one of the bedrooms while everyone else is in the kitchen.  April and Ollie look like they might puke, which I think is great.  See you all for the fallout next week!

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