Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Nominations and POV Week 2 (Jul 23)

After Brian’s eviction sends him to the land of Black & White (Jessie makes what he finds to be a hilarious joke about how Brian looks better in B&W…Shut up and put on an entire shirt, Magilla Gorilla!), Steven is worried about having an “emotional outburst”, Ollie pronounces his relationship with April more important (oh, OK), Angie says it was difficult to watch him go and Dan’s still muttering (actually, he’s shouting…Dan, We’re Right Here!) about broken promises.  Renny calls Jerry on his whole need to pepper every sentence with the fact that he did not wear military stuff while selling Brian out.  He’ gets mad.  She’s like “What’d I say?”  So, nothing unusual there.

The lines are further drawn in the sand between Keesha and April, as Keesha calls April a “little Barbie Bitch” after she sees her jump into Jessie’s arms when he wins HOH.  Not to take anything away from Jessie’s massive arms.  They can barely fit on camera.  Just ask him.  Speaking of the new HOH, he and Memphis accompany Memphis’s disturbing new mustache to the storage room to celebrate the victory.  “Everyone thinks I’m a body without a brain!” Jessie crows.  Well, then, Jess, I’m sure you’ll be telling us about more than your body building, right?  Just to prove how well-rounded you are.
Cut to Jessie showing everyone his HOH spoils and boring them all to tears with detailed descriptions about all of the pictures of him at bodybuilding competitions.  He talks about being able to see individual muscle fibers in one shot.  Seriously.  He’s a moron.  In other news, by not coming up to see the new HOH room, Steven has “disrespected” Jessie.  Because Jessie’s apparently Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. I mean, enough already.

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