Big Brother

Big Brother 10: Nominations and PoV Week 6 (August 20)

Upon entering her HoH room, Renny breaks into heaving sobs at the sight of the photgraphs of her late parents.  Everyone is really uncomfortable.  The guys all hang back in the doorway, while Michelle, April and Keesha go in and try to comfort her and calm her down.  When she doesn’t pull it together, they almost leave, but she won’t allow it and finally stops crying.  April, as if she’s talking to a very small child, says “you have to tell us who everybody is,”  Shut up, April.  Renny shows off her pictures and reads her letter from her family, aka “Team Renny”.  Don’t forget her adult son is named Sparky, which is awesome. 

In a segment I like to call, “Things people do as they slowly go insane”, we learn that April has grown rather fond of a stuffed poodle named Holly (and you know former houseguest Holly takes it as a shout-out).  During a backyard game of keep away where poor Holly gets beaten, tossed and thrown in the pool, Renny DRs–in sequined hat and boa, mind you–that any time she sees April rattled, it makes her day.  After that, we get a reminder of Ollie and April’s “Showmance” wherein Ollie DRs that it has gone beyond that.  In bed, in nightvision, Ollie faux proposes to April, who asks the camera if they got that. 

We also get a quick segment of Rennie eating her HoH snacks while grilling Michelle about loyalties, set to Godfather music.  Michelle kisses ass and Renny is not a very good host as she neglects to offer Michelle any appetizers. 

No matter, as Michelle will soon have her choice of treats in the food competition.  Basically, it’s a Survivor-style nasty food game modeled after Rock Paper Scissors.  The hamsters are divided into teams distinguished by either red or blue bows, and everyone wears those wacky and hilarious fake tuxedo shirts.  Ow, my sides hurt!  The players come up two at a time and have to pick either slop, pig ears or crickets to eat.  OK, again with the pig ears?  Someone got a hell of a deal at Costco.    Honestly, my notes are actually confusing to me at this point.  People ate all of the above foods, including April eating pig ears, even though she says, “I have not ate pork since I was 13.”  Hmmm, shall I critique the grammar, or point out the filthy double entendre?  I’ll just move on, I think.

In the end, Keesha, Dan, April and Michelle get to eat with Renny this week, while Memphis, Jerry and Ollie are stuck on slop, which Jerry’s been on for 19 days straight already.   But wait–America has voted for anther food to go along with the slop!  And I guess my husband was texting his butt off, because giant lollipops it is!  Ollie, who says the table looked like Pee Wee’s Playhouse, makes the unfortunate decision to DR that “Ollie loves his lollies!”  He’s the black Kojack, I guess. 

We next get to witness another of Ollie’s ridiculous fears, which is that of birds.  He says in the DR that it’s his number one fear, ever since he saw the movie by the great director “Albert” Hitchcock.  The guy is climbing furniture, and slinking along the wall to get inside and away from the crow on the wall he clearly thinks is going to come and peck him to death or something.  It’s so funny and sad.

In the HoH, Renny asks Dan if he’d be willing to be a pawn.  He keeps his cool, pointing out that at this point, it would serve her best to have Dan, Memphis and Keesha as three solid votes to get out the nominee of her choice, rather than on the block.  Renny says she doesn’t want to make too many enemies.  Memphis, Michelle, and Keesha turn down the idea in quick succession, with Memphis adding a “get the hell outta here!” for good measure.  Renny then asks them to summon Ollie to her throne.  Well, that’s how it comes across anyway.  In front of the group, she asks where he stands, and then kicks everyone out to have a big heart to heart with him.  He clearly endears himself to her and throws Jerry’s name in the mix. 

Nominations are finally upon us, and Renny’s all gussied up in a one shouldered black dress for the occasion.  April and Jerry are the nominees, which April can’t fathom because she’s “Such a nice person.”  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!  Oh, sorry.  April’s told she’s a “tough cookie” and Jerry’s told he’s getting paid back for his nomination of Renny.  He croaks that it’s “OK”.  In the DR, Keesha wonder why it’s April and Ollie on the block.  April plans to get newly mild mannered Jerry to “blow up”.


After a rehash of the nominations, Jerry quietly reminds us that he was a Marine.  Renny confirms in the DR that April is the real target this week.  April is crying in the DR.  Ollie is please about Jerry being up instead of him.  Dan shouts out his disappointment about April and Ollie not being nominated together.  He wonders if Renny made a deal with Ollie.  He and Memphis want April to go, and vow to win the PoV to insure the outcome.

April and Ollie discuss the same thing, and she cries, saying she has to look vulnerable.  He offers his support.  Man, somebody’s whipped!

Keesha talks with Renny in the HoH, and Renny says how much she likes Ollie, which leads Keesha to DR that she does not think that he would ever go up as a replacement. 

Jerry is next seen talking to himself in bed.  It’s kind of sad, then funny as we learn he has a puppy named Peppy.  He at least wraps up with “And I’m talking to myself, my goodness,”  so it’s not like dementia’s set in or anything.  He’s just bored.

For the PoV, Renny picks Dan, April picks Keesha, and Jerry picks Ollie, which makes April smirk.  Michelle will be hosting in the most annoying monotone since Trump.

The competition is set in a graveyard of sorts, which Ollie says is “haunted”.  He admits to coming close to wetting his pants.  Renny comments on the voodoo dolls, which she believes in, coming from New Orleans as she does.  The players get five minutes to examine all the items in the yard, and Keesha cannot bring herself to put her hands in a box of live cockroaches.  I feel you sister.  Jerry calls himself a street fighter.  The object of the game is to get three points, and the answer will always be an amount.  You can stay or fold after seeing everyone else’s answer, and the furthest person to stay is out.  Jerry steps out to a 2-0 lead, as Renny and April leave the game in that order.  Dan suddenly decides he needs to win this one, and takes advantage of Jerry’s nervous fold to win the next point and knock out Keesha.  He then psyches Ollie and Jerry into folding and wins on a question about a bed of nails.  Ollie feels he let April down and she is now concerned about getting Dan to use the veto.

Dan actually alludes to doing so in order to get Ollie on the block, which just seems needless at this point.  The duo is broken up, guaranteed.  Why upset the crazy lady by questioning her choices when you don’t need to?

April and Ollie talk about her strategy, with her concluding, “I have things I can give to people”  She’s talking about the $5K she has in gold bars (guess she and Jerry didn’t split the money in thirds with Libra after all) but my mind goes to the bad place again, some more.  I feel shame.  Ollie thinks it will be like taking candy from a baby.

Dan continues to annoy me by considering taking Jerry off in the hopes that Renny will nominate Ollie.  Jerry sheepishly apologizes to Dan for the whole “Judas” fiasco, groveling like crazy, but fooling no one,and again saying he’s a street fighter.  Dan reasons that if he saved Jerry, he’d then have exactly zero enemies in the house.  Dan and Memphis sit in the yard, getting way ahead of themselves about who Ollie would put up if he was HoH.  Memphis says he wants Ollie out, and the scene is cut before what I suspect was the other half of the sentence, and it was something like “but it doesn’t have to be this week”. 

Filler appears in the form of us watching Dan get his hair cut by Renny.  He’s the client I’m guessing no stylist really wants, second guessing every snip and asking “What’s your plan?”  Renny just ignores him.  That riveting bit is followed by the annual “Oh My God, look at the small table!” segment where everyone marvels at the shrinking of the kitchen table, as if the large table was actually miniaturized.  I think they can skip that next year, don’t you? 

April pours on the charm with Dan, who says he’s open to ideas.  “That’s what I like about you, Dan” she purrs.  She does offer him cash, and he tries not to react.  It all seems more than a little desperate,which of course, it is.

Dan asks Renny if she made a deal with Ollie.  She’s very casual in saying she did not, but that if Dan does use the PoV, she will consider him a traitor.  Dan tells us he has to consider the “risk & reward” of using his power.  Jerry backpedals publicly on what he said to Dan last week while reminding everyone that he’s old and set in his ways, plus, street fighter! April is all “congratulations! ” and blah,blah, blah.  She doesn’t expect him to use the veto.  Renny is dressed as Carmen Miranda in a floral muumuu and big flower in her hair.  Dan says he respects that both nominees came to talk to him, and the offer of money made for a tough decision.  He’s not using the PoV, but figured he’d mention the money to stir up some paranoia.  Jerry DRs that the game is going to get violent while Ollie promises to campaign for votes for April and she says she’ll be bitch if it looks like she can’t garner support.  So ya know, Tuesday.  Join EJ for the eviction wrap up on Friday!

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